REI Network; Security-Development-Plan

> REI Network Building Construction

Hello to everyone who is a REI Network Council and Community Member; We care about self-development and the ideas and thoughts of our community users to create a more resolute and productive work for everyone.


REI Network Description and Security


REI was developed for the evolution trend of the Blockhain, to achieve a lightweight, EVM compatible, higher performance, and no fee blockchain framework.


Plans and Implementation


1.) Content of the Subject :white_check_mark:
2.) Community Security Level :white_check_mark:
3.) Feedback and Complaints :white_check_mark:
4.) REI Network Team :white_check_mark:
5.) Goals and practices for the Broad Community✅
6.) Ads and Studies :white_check_mark:


01 Content of the Subject


As REI Network, we come before people with products of better quality and solutions, and the importance of promotional advertisements and returns


02 Community Security Level


All our communities, including the global group, are 100% protected by AI bots and prevent users from being spammed, and we will of course have high-level security passes, but I would like to say that we will add early and comprehensive security measures for this now.


Why should the security level be higher?


  • The security and assets of users are among the most important factors for us, and our anti-fraud response team and team work extremely well and professionally.


Will your firewalls be broken in the near future?


  • They need to do extensive work to break the firewall, and our security bots are not open source, our professional team is open and works meticulously and disciplined against bug events.


Will there be a security (federation) system that all your communities depend on?


  • Of course, we will use or develop it for this (Rose Bot), after all, Rose Bot is an open source security and multi-option bot, and when the federation is established, all our communities will be connected to this federation and only community administrators will be in its authorized staff. The federation expansion is as follows, For example; After a user has spammed or violated the rules, we ban them and they are banned from all groups that the Federation is affiliated with.


03 Feedback and Complaints


Complaints: The issue that users have been complaining and wondering about for a long time is that Binance Exchange has done an incompetent job. You ask why? Binance violated the listing terms itself and this is the issue that users complain about the most.
Users often complain about artificial intelligence-assisted bots pretending to be human, and we block them as much as we can.
Another feedback is as follows; users want to take a more fully supported and fully professional step, when there is a problem, they want a full solution and answer when a question is asked.
Other complaints; The REI Token data is out of date and the ecosystem is different. Example: While the circulating supply was expected to be 750 million, the fact that they were 950 million aroused suspicion among them. We’re making a statement. Other question: when will staking and node start? We are not yet responding to these and request them to follow the announcements.


04 REI Network Team


REI Network Team is completely full of professional and knowledgeable people and this is an amazing situation they do not leave people unanswered, they strive and care to provide quick solutions to all problems. We are not egoistic or cool compared to other project teams, we are human like everyone else and we like to be sincere with users, we respond like a friend and brother, and we continue to work for the better!


05 Goals and practices for the Broad Community


We can expand all our communities by offering extraordinary events, rewards and conditions. A lot of offers have been coming in lately in Turkey Crypto Communities and they want an Award Winning AMA Event and I said it won’t be for now! It is possible to expand Communities by specifying a specific pool on, as users who do not meet the requirements on cannot participate in the event. We can launch an airdrop About REI Network Description and Promotion. As we did last time, we could have easily promoted and advertised if people promoted us on different organizations and platforms and set a certain participation limit and condition. I’m sure these are in the plans and I’m sure it will be great.


06 Ads and Studies


It is possible to make advertisements on Youtube-Twitter-Instagram-Telegram and various platforms and it will not be too costly. How Does? As I mentioned above, we will put out a reward and people will get the reward by fulfilling the conditions. Conditions must be moderately difficult and violations must be avoided.

and END

Finally, we will continue to carry out self-sacrificing, meticulous and disciplined works as much as we can in order to meet in success, quality and completely different projects for REI Network Company. REI Network cooperates with better quality and more popular companies than other projects, and we will continue to do our best for people to reach and buy REI Tokens.

Best regards and love to all Council members, Ben Quick. I’m in the Executive Role of REI Network Global and Turkey Community I hope we can meet one day.

REI Network Social Media Account

Telegram REI Network
Twitter REI Network
Announcement REI Network


yes this project is so cool